Dec 03

So why invest in yourself you may ask?

by Gina in Self-Development 0 comments 1392 tags: ,

This is the exact question I asked myself when I decided to become a Network Marketing Professional. I was fearful of many things as I had not worked (by that I mean earning money work) for a number of years when I decided not to go back to what I was doing before and become an Entrepreneur.

I really didn’t know at the time what this was going to entail and thought as I had worked in a corporate environment before giving up to look after my children that it would give me time freedom. Well in essence it has done that though I have probably worked much harder now that I ever did in my corporate job in a different way. I did work hard in my corporate job and invested a lot of hours in that job during the week till quite late at night though I did feel a dread of going back to it Monday morning L.

Oh how my life has changed now! I’m glad I was able to stay home and look after my children when they were at school growing u; and taking them to their activities. However I always felt that I wanted my life to be with purpose and missed my career. I always wanted to have my own business but then there was the investment of time, money and what business I would be in.

I did think about setting up a bookkeeping business but again the thought of sitting behind a computer everyday with no interaction with other people put me off. It was then I came across network marketing and the business has evolved over time. I have invested in trainings, books, trips etc to be the best version of myself.

I am now a completely different person than I was only four short years ago and the investment has definitely been worth it. Also I have met many inspirational people along the way which makes it a fascinating journey that I’m on and I love helping people on their entrepreneurial path too.

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