Jan 07

Aloe Vera ☺ why I drink it everyday!

by Gina in Wellbeing 0 comments 1387 tags:

I was probably the most sceptical person a few years ago regarding taking supplements. That was until I was introduced to health and wellbeing products bby Forever Living who are world leaders in Aloe Vera.

The reason I was sceptical about taking supplements was that I did used to take them when I saw an advertisement either on the TV or in a magazine etc. So I tried wellwoman menopace etc from Boots. I noticed over time that I didn’t really feel any different. I thought I ate a balanced diet and exercised so that was enough for me!

When my son started senior school I was finding it increasingly difficult to get up in the mornings so decided to give the drink gel a go as I had nothing to lose as there was a 60 day money back guarantee. So that would mean I could give it back if it didn’t work.

Aloe vera is so beneficial and if it’s the only supplement you take then it’s a good one. Some take it for a reason such as gut health for IBS, ultra colitis or crohns etc though I take it as a supplement to enhance my health. It’s great for the gut and absorbs all your nutrients from your food. It also contains essential vitamins such as A, C, E B12 and folic acid including choline.

Minerals it contains are calcium ,manganese, sodium, potassium, copper, magnesium, zinc, chromium, iron and many enzymes and two sorts of sugars, monosaccharides such as glucose and fructose and long chain sugars called polysaccharides.

For more information then please get in touch by email or Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn

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